2022-12-08【獎助學金-校外】美國在台協會與學術交流基金會 關鍵語言教師計畫 (TCLP)

轉知美國在台協會與學術交流基金會 關鍵語言教師計畫 (TCLP)訊息



美國在台協會與學術交流基金會很高興宣布,2023年關鍵語言教師計畫啟動囉。關鍵語言教師計畫(Teachers of Critical Languages Program,簡稱TCLPP)安排台灣的華語或英文老師到美國教授中文和進行文化交流一學年,以提升美國中小學在中文的教學成效。赴美交流的老師將會得到機票,生活費補助與每個月房租津貼,並能持續精進教學觀察的能力和獲得培訓機會,您將在沉浸式的英語環境中生活與工作,交流結束後也將獲得結業證書。

如果你是一位有四年全職課堂教學經驗,有極佳英文能力,有興趣到海外教學的現職台灣中小學(G1-12)教師,本計畫即日起開始接受申請,本計畫只接受線上申請。報名期間:即日起至2023年1月16日下午10:00 (台灣時間)

詳細資訊與報名方式 :https://www.fulbright.org.tw/zh-hant/teachers-of-critical-languages-program/?fbclid=IwAR0L5-CTz-IRf4RhrDpnsp1LN_yyMcGB9_ksC2epiyWg8akNskmj9_biRV4


Calling all Mandarin as a Second/Foreign Language and English teachers! Have you ever dreamed of spending a year teaching in the United States? Well, this could be your chance to make it happen!

AIT and the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange are excited to announce the 2023 Teachers of Critical Languages Program (TCLP). TCLP gives teachers of English or Mandarin as a Foreign Language the opportunity to travel to the United States for one year to teach Mandarin to American students and serve as a cultural resource for their host schools and communities. The exchange teachers receive airfare, a living stipend, and monthly housing allowance, along with on-going methodological observation and training opportunities, while getting the chance to live and work in an immersive English environment. If you’re a teacher with four years of full-time classroom teaching experience, excellent English skills, and are ready for an adventure, we encourage you to apply before the deadline at 10 PM on January 16, 2023.

You can find more information at: https://www.fulbright.org.tw/zh-hant/teachers-of-critical-languages-program/?fbclid=IwAR0L5-CTz-IRf4RhrDpnsp1LN_yyMcGB9_ksC2epiyWg8akNskmj9_biRV4

AIT FB announcement: https://www.facebook.com/AIT.Social.Media/posts/pfbid02ZzkSBwomTM5zRT6wdYHM5nAoBB5afqL6ACcy5N5yBNBPfLrvUFMHpk5fwPNxkSA1l

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