2021-09-28【Honor】Congratulations to the 70th alumnus Zhi-Jie Xu and the 92nd alumna Ya-Ting Yang for winning the 110th National Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education

Congratulations to the alumni below for winning the 110th National Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education

Link: http://excellentteacher.moe.edu.tw/



 the 70th alumnus Zhi-Jie Xu (Kinmen County Jin-Cheng Junior High School) (on the right)

picture resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srOL4GVPZfg



the 92nd alumna Ya-Ting Yang (Taoyuan city Da You junior high school) (the second from left)

Ya-Ting Yang, the teacher in Da You junior high school, Taoyuan City, has wished herself to be a high biodiversity of tropical rainforest. To diverse teaching and improve students’ learning. (provided by Department of Education, Taoyuan City Government)

news resource: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/3614218




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