Degree Programs
- Bachelor's Degree in Geography
The Department of Geography at National Taiwan Normal University offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. There are four module programs which geography students can choose one or two to specialize in, namely pedagogical geography, regional planning, environmental monitoring and geographic information sciences. To complete a BA degree in geography, students must complete a minimum of 128 credits, including 32 credits of university general courses, 34 credits of departmental core courses, 41 credits of departmental elective courses, and 21 credits of other electives.
※ Course Requirements
Students must complete 128 credits to graduate:
1. General education at the university level: 32 credits of university general courses, including Chinese (I) and (II), 4 credits; English (I), (II) and (III), 6 credits; and 18 credits of general education; and 4 credits of physical education. Basic Service-Learning courses are also required and not counted toward graduation credits.
2. Departmental courses: 34 credits of departmental core courses and 41 credits of electives.
3. Other elective credits: 21 credits of other electives are allowed for students to take from all colleges and other universities that have alliance with National Taiwan Normal University.
- Master's Degree in Geography
To complete a master of arts (MA) degree in Geography, a student must complete a minimum of 28 credits, including 8 credits of core course in geographical methods and literature review in geography and Geographic Studies, and 20 credits of departmental electives.
※ Course Requirements
Students of mater program in geography should take at least 28 credits of courses, including the followings:
1. Departmental core course: 8 credits
(1) Special Topics on Research Methods in Geography, 2 credits
(2) Literature Review in Geography, 2 credits
(3) Seminar on Geographical Studies, 2 credits (This course must be retaken with a passing score for 2 times)
2. Departmental electives: at least 20 credits
- Doctoral Degree in Geography
To complete a doctoral program degree (PhD) in Geography, a student must complete a minimum of 24 credits, including 8 credits of core courses and 16 credits of departmental electives.
※ Course Requirements
Graduate students enrolled in the doctoral program of Geography should take at least 24 credits, among them 8 credits of core courses and 16 credits of electives. They include the followings:
1. Departmental core courses: 8 credits
(1) Seminar on Geography 1 credits.(This course must be retaken with a passing score for 2 times)
(2) Field Work in Geography 1 credits.(This course must be retaken with a passing score for 2 times)
(3)Seminar on Geographical Studies 2 credits. (This course must be retaken with a passing score for 2 times)
2. Departmental electives: at least 16 credits