





 1. 各校區出入口僅保留校本部大門、圖書館校區大門、公館校區大門、林口校區前後門,其餘出入口(包含學一舍地下通道)關閉。
 2. 各出入口管制點進行全天候實名制管制(包含例假日),並進行體溫量測作業。三校系統師生及校外洽公訪客持受邀文件者,需持 NTNU DayPass始可量測體溫合格後進入校園。
 3. 入校時須全程配戴口罩並掃描檢查站QR Code,並登錄體溫量測合格結果。
 4. 校本部運動場、圖書館停車場管制口於週一至週五07:30-10:30及17:00-19:00開放進行人員管制及體溫量測,其餘上班時間及例假日不開放進入校園,請由車道出入口進出停車場。
 5. 美術系館、管理學院、音樂學院及校外房舍等自行辦理門禁管制及體溫量測作業。


 1. 重申所有課程改採遠距教學。
 2. 期末考全面實施線上考試,或以其他非實體方式進行。
 3. 實驗室同一時段以5人為限。
 4. 論文口試得採線上方式,若實施實體口試,應遵守相關防疫規範。




 1. 總圖書館及公館、林口分館自5月16日(週日)起週一至週五8時至17時僅開放1樓提供借還書服務,其餘時間及週六、週日全面閉館。B1普通閱覽室停止開放。
 2. 美術館、文薈廳、校園書店、梁實秋故居停止開放。
 3. 所有運動場館暫停開放,會員或學員權益以展延方式處理。
 4. 本校租借場地活動一律停止,已租借者,延期、退費或重要考試,請逕洽場地管理單位依相關規定辦理。




 1. 減少區域間的非必要移動,一旦外出須詳實紀錄活動足跡,以利疫調所需。
 2. 每日量測體溫,避免出入人多擁擠場所、聚會、旅遊或其他集會活動。
 3. 出門應全程佩戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離。
 4. 自我注意是否出現發燒、呼吸道症狀、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等疑似症狀。如出現疑似症狀,應確實佩戴醫用口罩,儘速至附近社區採檢醫院就醫,且不得搭乘大眾交通運輸工具。並依自身情況主動通報學校(NTNU APP設置「具感染風險對象回報系統」及「有發燒或其他症狀自主回報系統」)。後續依CDC防疫規範處理相關防疫事宜。


NTNU Pandemic Safety Measures Announcement

Restrictions under Epidemic Alert Level 3 in Taipei and New Taipei(May 16, 2021)

With the epidemic alert raised to Level 3 in Taipei/New Taipei, the school will be ramping up prevention measures starting May 17 (Monday). A step-up from the NTNU Pandemic Announcement No. 46 on the 14th, we urge all faculty, staff and students to be vigilant and stick to the safety protocols.

1. Campus entry access control and temperature checks:

 A. Only the main gates on Main Campus I & II, Gongguan Campus and the main/back gate of Linkou campus will be opened. All other entrances and exits (including the Student Dorm 1 Underpass) will be closed.
 B. Real-name system and temperature checks will be enforced at all entry points around the clock (including holidays). NTU System teachers and students and visitors on business with invitation documents must present NTNU DayPass. You are only allowed entry after passing temperature check.
 C. You must wear a mask and scan the QR Code at the checkpoint when entering campus and register the result of your temperature check.
 D. The entry checkpoints for parking lots under the track and field (Main Campus I) and the library (Main Campus II) are open for pedestrian control and temperature check on weekdays between 07:30-10:30 and 17:00-19:00. Pedestrian access through these points is not open during other working hours and holidays. Please enter and exit the parking lot via the driveway stairs.
 E. The Fine Arts Department Building, College of Management, College of Music, and off-campus dorms should enforce access control and temperature checks by themselves.

2. Academic affairs-related matters:

 A. Attention! All courses are moved to remote learning.
 B. Final exams should all be conducted online or by other non-physical means.
 C. Number of people in a lab is limited to 5 people at any one time.
 D. Thesis defense may be conducted online. If an offline defense is taking place, relevant prevention regulations must be followed.

3. Work from home:

From May 17 to June 27, some colleagues will be asked to work from home as advised by the supervisor of each unit according to the school’s work-from-home guidelines (see the Personnel Office website under Pandemic Prevention). Implementation plans should be sent to the Personnel Office for approval.

4. Venue restrictions:

 A. Only the first floor of the libraries on Main, Gongguang and Linkou campuses will only be open on weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm starting May 16 (Sunday) for book checkout/return. They will be closed the rest of the day and on weekends. B1 reading rooms will be closed.
 B. Art Museum, Wenhui Hall, campus bookstores, and Liang Shih-Chiu House will be closed.
 C.All sports venues will be temporarily closed. Membership will be extended for the duration of the closure.
 D.Activities using school rented venues will be suspended. Contact the venue management unit in accordance with the relevant regulations for extension or refund of approved bookings, or if the venue is for important exams.


For those who have arranged for counseling sessions and students with special needs, counseling will be conducted via phone, email or online chat. Face-to-face individual/group counseling will be suspended. (See Student Counseling Center website for more information.)

6. The situation is serious. Make sure to protect your personal health:

 A. Reduce non-essential movement between areas. Keep a record of your activities when going out to aid in pandemic investigations if need be.
 B. Take body temperature daily and avoid crowded places, gatherings, travel or other activities.
 C. Wear a mask, wash hands frequently, and maintain social distancing when going out.
 D. Pay attention to any suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory discomfort, diarrhea, and abnormal smell/taste. If you have suspected symptoms, wear a medical mask and go to a nearby community hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible. Do not take public transportation. Voluntarily report your situation to the school (Reporting System for Following Up on Persons at Risk of Infection and Self-reporting System for Fever or Other Symptoms on the NTNU APP). Observe CDC guidelines for follow-up actions.
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