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洽詢電話: 邱琡雯助教 02-77491654

第28屆臺灣地理國際學術研討會 【第2次徵稿】



本以為只是遠山的烏雲,它卻迅轉為瀕岸的海嘯。全球尺度的氣候變化陰影下,各類的極端天候劇本正不斷地在世界各地上演。研究兩者之間的因果關係和牽扯其中的非線性放大效應是科學問題; 然而其理性的解方–減少人類活動、降低其消耗地球資源/能源的速度而成就一個較為綠色的未來–,在一切追求經濟成長的現代文明社會中,卻不可避免地是彼此糾纏、複雜的政治、經濟、甚或是教育暨人文領域的課題。臺灣要達成2050淨零排放的國家戰略目標,社會和個人要如何調適?目前科研進度如何? 才能從容應對迫在眉梢的發展危機。地理學關懷人與環境的互動。如何解決威脅人類永續發展的氣候危機,具備跨域整合能力的地理人不能在這大變局中缺席。以「臺灣氣候變遷科研成果與社會回應:風險、衝擊與韌性」為主題,第28屆臺灣地理國際學術研討會誠摯地邀請自然環境和社會人文等相關領域的學者專家以及研究生新血,來春相聚,共同探究既有的科研成果,以及在其所揭櫫的氣候風險下,不同領域如何調適以減緩衝擊,如何協作以發展韌性,謀求建構一個永續的臺灣社會。




本屆研討會將在 2024 年5月4–5日國立臺灣師範大學舉行。發表者請於2024年1月25日 (星期四) 前,至線上報名系統填妥表格,收到主辦單位回覆函即完成投稿手續,未收到回覆請來電確認。大會將於2024年2月20日前通知論文摘要審查結果。論文全文截稿日期為 2024年3月27日 (星期三)。優秀論文經推薦及審查後刊登於「地理研究」期刊。


The 28th International Geographical Conference of Taiwan 【Second Call for Papers】

The research achievements of climate change science and responses of society in Taiwan: Risks, impacts and resilience

The International Geographical Conference of Taiwan (IGCT) is a geographical knowledge feast held by the Department of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University. It is a great opportunity to share results of your geographic research with international scholars, experts, government agencies, social societies and relevant industry people. This conference has been held annually since 1997 with no interruption, even during the global pandemic. The 28th conference will held in the National Taiwan Normal University on 4th and 5th May, 2024.

Thought just gloomy clouds over the distant ridges, but it swiftly turned into a looming tsunami. Under the shadow of global scale climate change, various types of extreme weather scenarios are constantly unfolding around the world. Studying the causal relationship between them and nonlinear amplification effects involved is a scientific problem; however, its rational solution – reducing human activities, slowing down the consumption of earth’s resources/energy and thus establishing a greener tomorrow – is inevitably a complex issue entangled in the realms of politics, economy, and even education and humanities in modern civilization society that relentlessly pursues the GDP growth. How can the society and individuals in Taiwan adapt to achieve Taiwan’s national strategic goal of net zero emissions by 2050? What is our current scientific progress? Is the current roadmap properly enough to allow us calmly respond to the imminent development crisis? Geography concerns the interaction between people and the environment. How to address the climate crisis threatening human sustainable development, geographers, armed with the cross-disciplinary integration capabilities, cannot be absent in this major upheaval. Under the theme “The research achievements of climate change science and responses of society in Taiwan: Risks, impacts and resilience”, the 28th International Geographical Conference of Taiwan  (IGCT) cordially invite scholars, experts, and graduate students in the fields of natural environment and social humanities to gather in the coming spring and jointly explore the current scientific research progresses, and as exposed to the revealed climate risks, how different sectors can adapt and mitigate the impacts, collaborate to build resilience, and strive to construct a sustainable Taiwanese society.


Climate Change Sciences-Observations and Projections (Atmosphere and Oceans)Climate Change Sciences-Observations and Projections (Terrain and Hydrology)Climate Change Sciences-Observations and Projections (Ecosystem)
Environmental Disasters and Risk AssessmentsAdaption Behaviors and Adaption TechniquesClean Energy and Green Inflation
Challenges of Net-Zero Emission and Industrial TransformationFood Security and Resilient AgricultureEnvironmental Ethics and Environmental Education
Green Living and Green HumanitiesResilient Community and Sustainable SocietyJust Transition, Intergenerational Justice and Climate Justice
The research achievements of climate change science and the responses from indigenous communities—echoes from the traditional wisdomOther geographic related subjects 

IGCT 2024 will be held at National Taiwan Normal University on 4th and 5th  May 2024. Sessions include paper presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and student competition. Scholars, policy makers, educators, and students are invited to attend this conference. Please fill in the online registration form and submit the abstract by 25 January 2024 (Thursday). We will send you a confirmation letter when the registration process is complete by 20 February 2024. Please submit the full paper by 27 March 2024 (Wednesday). The organization committee will recommend papers with excellent quality to be considered as journal papers in a regular issue of Journal of Geographical Research, after peer review process.


Department of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University 

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